The Independent Publisher Book Awards is an annual event hosted by the Jenkins Group, open solely to small presses and independent authors. The awards show is held each year on the night prior to the opening of the BookExpo America trade show, in New York City. Thousands of books are entered each year, in dozens of categories, from all over the world…

And now, Grey Gecko author Leon Berger joins the recipients of these internationally-known and recognized awards for his novel Horsea charming and heartwarming tale of a Montreal caleche horse and his best friend coming to the end of their careers.

Last week, Leon was able to attend the awards ceremony for the 2013 winners:


Leon is well deserving of this honor, and if you haven’t had a chance yet to check out the book, now’s the time! His other Grey Gecko Press book, Lunch With Charlotte, is equally astounding, and well worth the read – and soon to be available in audiobook!

Congratulations to Leon for all his hard work and dedication!