Kenyan National Library Service readership has tripled through partnership with Worldreader. And Grey Gecko Press is a part of that, with all our titles made available to the company free of charge in perpetuity.

Several years ago, we heard about Worldreader, and were eager to become involved. They distribute free Kindles to readers in developing areas throughout the world, centering their efforts in Africa and South America. The readers get books downloaded to their Kindles for free, and can check out more through the use of libraries and similar facilities. It’s one of the ways that Grey Gecko is proud to be a socially responsible member of our global society.

Read more about the success of Project LEAP on Worldreader’s site, and consider donating today!


“The final results outlined in this report show that:

  • Monthly library visits nearly tripled across the pilot sites
  • 20,000+ patrons were reached through e-reader training
  • 254 library-initiated community events were held
  • 84% of patrons reported reading more”