UPDATE (5/15): This contest is long over. Thanks to everyone who voted for us!


Like any small business, growth is vital to Grey Gecko’s success. And, just like any business, growth requires capital – and a grant is the best way (for us) to acquire that capital. So, we’ve applied for a $250,000 grant from Chase as part of a newly launched program, Mission Main StreetSM Grants.

There are some other things we need to submit, such as a business plan, but here’s the important part for our fans/readers/friends: we need at least 250 votes to be eligible for a grant. You can show support for us by voting at www.MissionMainStreetGrants.com using Facebook Connect. The voting deadline is November 15, 2013.

It takes just 3 clicks to vote for us.

Vote for Grey Gecko Press!

What would we do with $250,000? Aside from publishing more great books, here are a few of our plans, should we get the grant:

  • Increase our community outreach programs, including
    •  writing contests for junior high and high schools, with scholarships as prizes
    • paid internships for college students
    • donations to school libraries
    • Classroom speaking events
    • donations to Armed Forces base libraries
  • Increase our readership by promoting our existing titles, including
    • Book signings
    • Author readings
    • “Meet your Favorite Author” events
    • GGP-sponsored Book Fairs and Festivals

Vote for Grey Gecko Press!

Through www.MissionMainStreetGrants.com, Chase will award $3 million to small business across America. All businesses that apply for a grant and meet the eligibility requirements will receive a special advertising offer from Premier Sponsor, Google. In addition, the 12 grant recipients will be eligible to receive a trip to Google for an exclusive small business marketing workshop with Google experts and a Google Chromebook Pixel laptop.

The 12 grant recipients will be announced in January 2014.