
  • End (The Dying of the Light #1)


    Jason KristopherEND Finalist Badge

    The zombie apocalypse isn't coming,?it's already here. ?I didn't see Rebecca die the second time.? The sole survivor of a zombie massacre is recruited by a super-secret military unit that's been eradicating zombies since 1873 and tries to stop the end of the world. Fans of The Walking Dead will enjoy this series' character-driven story and the close-knit, survival-oriented relatable cast. For as we all know, the worst monsters in the zompocalypse aren't the walkers at all... but the humans themselves!
    • Called "The best zombie book since?World War Z!"
    • 350+ reviews on, 4.3-star rating
    • Story continues in Interval (#2),?Beginning (#3), and?The Walker Chronicles (short story collection)
    • Over 55,000 copies sold
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    A. K. Klemm

    Nancy?Harrigan would never wear anything but a?pantsuit?in a solid color. She wakes up at precisely?7:30?every morning, and she hasn't used a sick day?in two years. She organizes?Tuesday?and Thursday Bingo, and she feeds the stray cat in the backyard but would?never?let him inside. And she would never read anything other than a classic. Until, fed up with her book club's response to her favorite,?A Scarlet Pimpernel, she tries something altogether new and meets Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the hero of the Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell. Now, what will happen to her perfectly tailored life? This charming novelette (about 40 pages) is a light-hearted tale of Lily Hollow, the same lovable setting as A. K. Klemm's previous works?The Bookshop Hotel?and?Lily Hollow. It will make you smile and keep you turning the pages as you wait to see how Nancy?and Uhtred's adventure turns out. Will?Nancy?ever be the same again - and will she even want to be?
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